Wednesday, April 20, 2011

caterpillar and a chewed-up mushroom

last weekend, i introduced my son to origami. yes, it was long overdue but better late than never(enter reason here). he has a how-to-origami book given to him before but it was only that day when we were able to use it. so first, we did a caterpillar, whose face was a tad to difficult even for me. my son volunteered to do the body which was simple, i just had to do a few editing with the folds. and here you have it! a caterpillar with a too-big head!

up next are the mushrooms which my son has been dying to try. he chose black paper (i don't have the faintest idea why), and folded away with help from mommy of course. i wasn't able to take a photo of the mushroom in its original state, instead i got this
a chewed up mushroom! when i wasn't looking i could hear my son pretending to eat the mushroom. i wasn't aware that he literally chewed it until i found it on the table all soggy! honestly, i was torn on what to react, to be angry or to just laugh because it really was funny. at least he did not ingest the paper.

while my son was chewing his mushroom  i was working on these

Anpu, royal guard of Isis

Mars Ultor, a bit faint since i used 2H pencil
so that's it for now. i shall be taking thurs and fri of since they are holidays here in the Philippines. Happy Easter everyone!


  1. Origami is so fun! I haven't taken the time to really learn it, but I did make a mini origami crane to attach to a ring the other day! Love how it turned out. Another fun project is origami out of bath towels! Your drawings are also very intricate and beautiful!

  2. the origami on a ring is very creative! thank you for liking my drawings. :)


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